Breaking Radio Silence - What Have I Been Doing in the Past Few Months

Hello everyone, I haven’t posted in a while, so I wanted to give you all some updates about where I have been.

Don’t worry, everything is great, and I am as healthy as a horse 😊

So, what’s happening?

  1. Let’s start of with a good news. I recently became a Kaggle Discussions Expert.🥳 I have been posting on Kaggle discussions for over a year now and it has been a very fulfilling journey. One of the best ways to learn something is to first teach it to others. Answering questions from fellow kagglers has helped me in understanding new concepts and reinforcing my knowledge about the subject. I would definitely advice anyone starting out with data science to try answering queries on Kaggle Discussions and posting comments which can be helpful for others.

  2. I have been reading Abhishek Thakur’s book; Approaching Almost Any Machine Learning Problem. Filled with wonderful tricks and tips for machine learning practitioners, the book is a perfect read for anyone trying to understand how to approach a ML problem step-by-step. I personally loved the emphasis on trying out the code in the book and learning through practice.

  3. As a final year student at VIT, I am currently working on my capstone project/bachelor’s thesis. In my university, all students must undertake a Capstone project in the final semester of their program to successfully complete their undergraduate degree. This is a great opportunity for students to work on a real world problem and put their skills to good use. The project is supervised by a faculty guide who aids and mentors students every step of the way. I have been long fascinated with the possibility of using NLP in the legal domain. So, I chose to work on contract review automation for my thesis. Contract review is the process of examining a contract comprehensively to understand the obligations and rights of a company signing it and evaluating its potential impact on the parties involved. With the project, our aim is to automate the task of contract reviews by using transformer models that can learn to automatically extract and identify key clauses from these contracts. This can be tremendously beneficial for law firms which spend a lot of their time reviewing contracts. Contract review costs also affect consumers. Since contract review costs are so prohibitive, contract review is not often performed outside corporate transactions. Small companies and individuals consequently often sign contracts without even reading them, which can result in predatory behavior that harms consumers. Read more about this from here:

Let me leave you with a verse from Madhushala by Harivansh Rai Bachchan:

लाल सुरा की धार लपट सी कह न इसे देना ज्वाला, फेनिल मदिरा है, मत इसको कह देना उर का छाला, दर्द नशा है इस मदिरा का विगत स्मृतियाँ साकी हैं, पीड़ा में आनंद जिसे हो, आए मेरी मधुशाला।